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 Pinnacle Hospital 0891-676 9999, +918978889738   Email

  • General Information
    REGISTRATION PROCESS Every patient who wishes to avail of the various services in Pinnacle Hospital has to get registered. This is a one-time process which gives you a permanent UMR number Registration and billing counters are present on the ground floor. The patient needs to pay for consultations and all other services prior to availing the services. APPOINTMENTS For appointments, please contact us at 0891-676 9999, 0891-6769957 Appointment will be given based on consultant’s schedule and availability. ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY Our emergency department works around the clock. In case of any emergency, contact us on 0891-676 9999, 0891-6769957 AMBULANCE SERVICES We have two fully equipped ambulances available for transporting patients to and from the hospital. For availing this service, please contact us on 0891-676 9999, 0891-6769957
  • Out Patient Department
    PHARMACY After collecting the prescription from the consulting doctor in the OPD, you can buy the medicine from the hospital pharmacy. The hospital has pharmacy facilities available 24/7. It is advisable to avail this facility in order to make sure that you are getting the medications as per the prescription.\ Take help from the Pharmacist or the OPD Nurse to cross check whether the medicines are as per the prescription as well as the expiry date before leaving the hospital premises. LABORATORY & RADIOLOGY After collecting investigation orders from the consulting doctor in the OPD, you can avail our Laboratory and Radiology facilities. Please check with the help desk to locate the Sample Collection Centre and Radiology Department. In case you have any difficulties in locating these departments, kindly seek guidance from our PRE Please take appointments for Radiology and follow the specific instructions for radiological procedures (for example, for ultrasound, your bladder has to be full) as well as few lab tests (for example, for lipid profile, you need to fast for 12 hours). Do collect the consent and instruction forms from the Radiology Reception Desk. GRIEVANCE REPORTING & FEEDBACK FORMS If you have any grievances, please contact the PRE / MOD 897888 89738. We will try our best to solve the issue as quickly as possible. There are two Feedback Forms – Outpatient and Inpatient Forms. We request you to kindly fill the same. Your suggestions will help us to improve the quality of our services.
  • In Patient Department
    BEFORE ADMISSION Bookings can be made for operation theaters and day care procedures; inquire with your consultants for the same. The admissions desk in the main lobby will collect your deposit according to the class of admission and take your booking. We accept Cash or Credit / Debit Cards ON ADMISSION Please bring along personal toiletries, slippers / footwear. Keep some cash for miscellaneous purposes or in case of an emergency. Please safeguard your valuables and mobile phone. The hospital will not be liable for any loss of money or valuables. Please do not bring video cameras or other recording devices into the hospital. We constantly strive to provide you with a bedroom of your choice but you may face a delay in obtaining an allotment. We regret any inconveniences caused. If the bed class or location of your choice is not available at the time of admission, you may give your request to the admissions desk in writing and they will try their best to accommodate your request. We cannot promise a change in bed class or location as this depends strictly on the bed availability and clinical condition of the patient. One 24 hour attendant pass and 1 visitor pass are the only attendant entry passes issued by the admission desk. ID proof copies of pass holders are to be submitted to the security at the entrance gate. Emergency tariffs are applicable for services rendered beyond schedule timings. Emergency charges are applicable on Sundays and public holidays. Please get the clearance note signed by the admission desk before any procedure / surgery. AFTER ADMISSION The bed charge is calculated 24 hrs irrespective of the time of admission. (At present it is calculated on 24 hrs basis with a grace period of4 hrs) Upgrade / downgrade of the class of bed, effects your billing. When you move down to a lower class, the billing from the day of transfer will be as per the lower class. The patient may be transferred to a government / municipal hospital for non-payment or any other administrative reason. Interim bill statements will be made available to you on a daily basis. We would appreciate if the amount accrued to your account is settled within 24 hours. We request that only one relative be in the room with the patient. Children below 12 years of age are not allowed as visitors in the hospital. Visitors must have visitor passes to go up to the wards on the exception of visiting hours. During surgery, we provide a single additional pass for a relative. Please help in keeping the noise levels low. When the patient is shifted to the critical care unit, relatives have to vacate the room. In case of emergency, press the emergency bell switch near the bedside DISCHARGE In case the patient/relative wishes to be transferred to another hospital or be sent home against the advice of the doctor, the patient/relative would be required to sign a Leaving against Medical Advice’ (LAMA) declaration and the hospital will not be held responsible for any change in the patient’s condition thereafter. Your summary Report / Discharge Card will be given to you by the floor staff at the time of discharge. Please submit the visitor passes at the billing department or you will be charged Rs 500. Kindly vacate the bed as soon as the bills are settled. Any refund will be paid at the time of discharge. All Outgoing telephone calls (LOCAL/STD/ISD) will be charged in the final bill.
  • Patient Rights
    To receive quality health care in a safe environment without discrimination because of race, color, religion, nationality, disability, sex or age. To be fully informed, before or during admission, of services available at this hospital. To be fully informed if he/she requires care beyond the scope of this hospital. To be fully informed on the expected approximate cost of the treatment at the time of admission. To be treated with dignity, respect and courtesy in a non-judgmental and non-threatening manner and with consideration to the special preferences, psycho-social, spiritual and cultural needs that influence the patient’s perceptions of illness. To be respected for personal dignity and privacy during examination, procedures and treatment, and to be free from all forms of abuse, neglect and harassment. To be fully informed, by a physician, of his/her medical condition in language that can be understood by the patient. To ask questions from the treating physician and nursing staff about any aspect of his/her medical care and to expect answers that are understandable to him/her. To be informed of the risks and side effects of proposed treatment and alternatives to the proposed treatment To be informed if any human experimentation or other research/educational projects affecting his/her care or treatment are performed. To get information and informed consent before any research protocol is initiated. To refuse diagnostic procedures and treatments after the consequences of refusal have been explained. To be treated by a consultant of his/her choice depending on the availability of the specialty within the hospital and appropriateness of specialty. To request other medical opinions from doctors working within the hospital. To be fully informed regarding pain management before or during admission for a surgical procedure, chronic pain, or any other pain that occurs during the hospital stay. To participate in all aspects of his/her medical care and to have family members participate in care decisions as appropriate. To expect that all communications and medical records pertaining to his or her treatment will be handled confidentially except for those required by Law. To receive adequate instructions before discharge in all health care procedures to be continued after discharge. To give informed consent before anesthesia, blood and blood product transfusions and any invasive / high risk procedures / treatment / HIV test. To be informed on how to voice a complaint and to be assisted in filling any such complaint, free from any type of reprisal or interference. To know about the change in patient’s clinical condition. To be informed of financial implication with the change of the category of services. To be free from unnecessary use of physical or chemical restraint and/or seclusion as a means of coercion, convenience or retaliation. Restraints and/or seclusion will be used when clinically necessary.
  • Patient Responsibilities
    To provide correct and complete demographic information including full name, age, address and telephone number. To provide accurate, correct and complete details of present & past illnesses, hospitalization, medications, family history where relevant allrecords of previous investigations and treatment, and of allergic reactions, especially sensitivity to any drug. To follow the treatment plan recommended by those responsible for their care. To cooperate with the staff of the hospital in receiving the prescribed treatment. To treat the hospital staff, other patients and visitors with courtesy, respect and dignity. For their actions if they refuse treatment or do not follow the health care team’s instructions. To abide by the hospital rules and regulations. To maintain hygiene and cleanliness. To follow the “No Smoking” and “No Spitting” rules within the hospital premises. To avoid bringing valuables to the hospital. To inform the hospital about the health insurance or coverage by the employers. To not damage or deface hospital’s property. To keep to the appointment schedule and to inform the hospital 24 hours in advance of any change. To avoid speaking or behaving in a manner that disturbs other patient(s). To pay hospital bills as promptly as possible and follow hospital rules and regulations

Pinnacle Institute of Neuro Sciences 

Neuro Surgery


HOD Neurosurgery & Spinesurgery

Director Pinnacle Institute of Neurosciences


 Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon

Dr.Rajesh Babu Devabhakthuni

Consultant Neurosurgeon

Dr. G.Sivaram

Consultant Neurophysician


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